Open Innovation Fall 2022

Foundry Control System

Jade Vincent and Ari Sinert

Foundry Control System

🎵 We didnt start the fire 🎵

Ari Sinert and Jade Vincent 

Jades Brief

Foundry Control System is an Arduino driven PID control system for backyard foundries. There is a high rate of injury in the backyard foundry community due a lack of safety systems. According to Galfand Berger the incidence rate in steel foundries was 9.7 percent. They also claim that “Workers are often blamed for metal casting accidents. However, research has shown that accidents are often the result of the safety of the work environment as well as defective tools or equipment.” The Foundry Control System will improve work environments by regulating propane flow as well as airflow to automatically detect foundry flameouts and regulate heat. 

The Foundry Control System consists of 4 main parts, a thermocouple, the Arduino microcontroller, a stepper to regulate propane flow, and an intake fan. The Arduino keeps track of propane flow and fan speed as well as the foundry heat with the thermocouple and uses this information to regulate heat using a PID program. You can define a specific heat for the foundry to stabilize at and the Foundry Control System will automatically hold the foundry at the determined heat. The Foundry Control System could also automatically shut off propane when the foundry drops below a certain heat to prevent propane buildup after a flame out protecting workers. 



Hide and Jaime Christopher Vidaurrazaga

The H.A.N.D.


Hide + Christopher


Kody White and 2 OthersHide
Jaime Christopher Vidaurrazaga

NuVu Wearables

Final Project

Chloe Goodman and Chloe Goodman


By: Chloe Goodman + Munther Elsayed

This project, Yggdrasil, is an organized space that aims to showcase past projects from fellow NuVu students and motivate current students. Although there was already a space to display pst projects, feedback showed that it was complicated, cluttered, and disorderly. This is where the idea of Yggdrasil was born. Yggdrasil was designed to be an easy-to-understand, eye-catching way of demonstrating the core values of NuVu and showcasing the projects themselves. 

It was also meant to be a motivator for current students to challenge and push themselves harder in order to flaunt their projects. Yggdrasil is named, fittingly, after the World Tree in Norse Mythology since the project I shaped like a tree. There are nine branches - to match the nine worlds - each presenting projects that are specifically chosen with these values in mind; the design itself, the impact of the project, the empathy, and the innovation and creativity that went into the project.

Final Website

Amiyr Ahmad

Final Presentation

Abby Scott and Amiyr Ahmad

Anticipating the AED

"Always a (heart) beat ahead!"

Abby Scott and Amiyr Ahmad

Anticipating the AED is a Web app that tracks and locates the nearest AED machine near the user using a website with pre- marked AED Locations. Automated External Defibrillators are necessities for large cities because Cardiac arest could happen at anytime and because most businesses can't afford one or don't have one the threat of death is much higher.

Using an AED can be the difference between life and death for so meone suffering from a cardiac arrest. MA is one of few states that don't mandate the training or require restaurants to have an AED. It is concerning that they could be in the middle of central square or in school and be at risk of death because an AED is not accessible to them or someone attempting to assist them


Mercy Schmidt and Victoria Haggins - Wright


By: Victoria Wright and Mercy Schmidt

The project, BioBaby is a baby shoe designed to be worn while a newborn infant is coming home from the hospital. This is a bioplastic shoe, containing the seeds of an Amelanchier Arborea tree that is to be sent to a close relative and planted to reflect the baby's birth.

A Moss Box in a Glass Room

Jere Nierenberg and Lloyd Graves

Moss Box  

Jer Nierenberg and Lloyd Graves

Project Goal:

Improve the air quality in the areas of NuVu that are low light by designing and implementing a self watering vertical moss planter

Jere  Nierenberg + Lloyd Graves IV

For our project we worked on making a automated moss wall. The moss wall is a box of dirt with layers to hold the dirt in. The moss rests on top of the layers so it can grow but not let the dirt out. We also have a second container which in a small package holds the pump, Arduino board, and motor shield. There is bottle to supply the water to the pump which pumps water to the moss when the moisture level of the moss goes below the target moisture level. this is all controlled bye the Arduino board a tiny computer that takes the moisture information and tells the pump to activate when needed. The moss wall in simple terms is a pice of ply wood with components attached to water a moss wall which is also attached.


Noelle Aminoff and Verity Gould


"Blue when the Red and the Green >:O"

Verity Gould and Noelle Aminoff

NuVu's only surreal meme-themed presentation (we think)

EcoSim is a customizable ecosystem simulation meant to allow users to explore the effects of various actions on the environment, such as removing species, changing the landscape, or changing the climate. As climate awareness and knowledge of environmental impacts become more important than ever, EcoSim is intended as an educational resource for people to gain a basic understanding of how ecology works and how ecosystems change.

Each turn that progresses, every being checks their environment to make the next move. Creatures move, eat, reproduce, and die to reflect a real system. The ecology of the current project is intentionally simple, but full of possibilities. In EcoSim, the player makes a map using the temperature and altitude functions, and places wildlife on said map with the species function. The player then progresses turns, and can either watch how their built ecosystem plays out, or can change factors between turns, like removing a creature, adding land, or changing the climate.

Gyroscopic Tracking

Evan Johnston and Coffy lessig



By Evan Johnston & Coffy Lessig

Gyroscopic Tracking is a cheap full body tracking solution for VR. Most current full body tracking solutions are extremely expensive so the goal for this was to create a product with similar outputs to the high end versions but for a fraction of the price. This is still a relatively new technology so they tend to be very expensive and in turn not very accessible. The product is using cheaper IMU’s and a basic wiring/mounting system so it is a very low cost product

A few different demographics could benefit from this design. If a user is new to VR as a whole it could be a good entry level but complete feeling product if they don't want to spend the money on a higher end product. But if someone already has a headset it could be used to add another layer of immersion for cheap.