I learned that it is hard to make something that has perfect proportions. I wasn't really inspired by anything, but I was told that my glasses look like Elton John's or Luna Lovegood's. I thought this was a fun project.
I learned that it is hard to make something that has perfect proportions. I wasn't really inspired by anything, but I was told that my glasses look like Elton John's or Luna Lovegood's. I thought this was a fun project.
Our first idea was to create a tambourine hand. When someone shook the hand, the tambourine would move back and forth and make noise. We then changed our idea to a hand that could have removable instruments and a single drumstick that would hit all of the instruments. Later, we met with David and he helped us realize that it would take the whole two weeks to make just the drum stick so we should only make that.
Our first design was 2D printed on wood. We fixed our small mistakes like having parts be too small, not having a hole for the drum stick, and not having a handle, and started working on building the hand in 3D.
Our first 3D model turned out well. The drum stick moved like we wanted, except that we couldn't attach the elastic to have the drum stick and hand because we forgot to make a part to hold it. Once we got the standard back to our hand, we made the piece to hold the string and elastic. It was really hard getting them to be exactly the way you want because the knots would come undone or they would be too tight or loose.
Once we got the strings to be exactly how we wanted them, we started cutting the screws to be the size that we want and designing the front handle. We 3D printed it and it worked! The last thing we did was add velcro and then we finished!
The Dog Leash Hand help for people who dont have fingers walk their dog. The Hnad helps te person hold and use a retractable leash.
The Drum Hand is a prosthetic that helps a person without fingers use a drum with ease. It is powered by the user's wrist moving up and down. The motion of the wrist pulls a string, forcing the drum stick to go down. There is an elastic attached to the drum stick and the back of the arm to pull the stick back up. This allows the user to play the drum at whatever speed they wish.
This can be helpful for someone that wants to play the drum without having to leave the drum on the table or hold it at an awkward angle. They can also use it to play two instruments at once.
As we continuously cut similar pieces and redesigned our hand on many occasions we ended with a large pile of laser cut peices. We really didnt come out with a prototype until Thursday because of a constant change in our plans and models. With David we decided to make a complicated system that would drop large pieces of weed that would clamp down on the device that held the pencil. After we talked with Andrew we found that that idea was a bit too complicated and would have taken us a few weeks to design and print. Then we moved to a system that would use clamps activated by bending of he arm to apply pressure to the same device that held the pencil before.
John and I had a very elaborate process throughout this whole experience of making this prosthetic hand. We first made a Gladiator Thumb and wanted to add on to the idea that we already had. After making our Gladiator Thumb, John and I began to brainstorm possibilities that involved a swiss army hand. Some of the ideas included Swiss Army Tools, Utensils used, and Eating Utensils. In the end, we decided to make Swiss Army Utenils used for eating. After agreeing on Swiss Army Utensils, we took a while to make our prototype and had to go through many drafts before making an all-around succesful prototype which we printed from the Laser Printer and printed the rest of the project with the 3D Printer. After having all the pieces, we put them together and created the Swiss Army Utensils!
The Ratchet Hand is a DIY prosthetic. Based on the open source RoboHand, we used that structure and reinvented our own hand. The Ratchet Hand uses the ratchet mechanism so that the wheel can offer multiple utensil holders. The hand offers an amputee to use a pencil, paintbrush, sharpie, fork/spoon, and knife. This allows one to use multiple utensils for various purposes from eating to drawing.
The Swiss Army Utensil is a prosthetic hand which allows users to use basic kitchen utensils. The prosthetic is designed for those who don't have fingers and have trouble using a fork, spoon, or knife. With the utensil attached to a prosthetic hand piece on a joint, the hand peice can move up and down with ease which allows the utensil attached to the hand piece by string to move forward and retract back into its original resting place.