Algorithmic Art


Cole Krivak and Gabe Salfity


Gabe Salfity & Cole Krivak

Mid review

Gabe Salfity and Cole Krivak


Portfolio Template

Salma Islam and 2 OthersIsa Murray
Tommy Nordahl

Tower of Tears

By Tommy Nordahl and Isa Murray

Elevator Pitch

Noah Sussman and Owen Hotra

We represent Robo-Draw Car, our idea enhances art mixing with robots and learning by providing teaching and viewing.


Noah Sussman and Owen Hotra

Our art piece targets the problem of robots not making art humans can learn from and it is a tool that can be viewed and learned how to code it to do things from.

AudioVisualizer pitch

Verity Gould and Verity Gould

AudioVisualizer is a program to generate images based on a song. This creates an experience different from just looking at pictures or just listening to music, as it heavily connects the two with the sound wave and related images. This is a special experience, particularly for people who have hyperactive or hypoactive senses, as it's multisensory but not overwhelming.