Presentation Template

Luis Carbajal and Teresa Perez

Making My Jellyfish Bot

By Teresa Perez

Helping Hand 

By Juan Lenger

A soft robotics glove project

A glove that can help people with motor deficiencies in the hand, such as those who have suffered strokes, Parkinson's disease, or other conditions that make movement in their hands difficult.

Presentation Template

Luis Carbajal and Wyatt Fishman

The Bridge that Built Itself

(Miniature Scale)

By Wyatt Fishman

Soft Catapult

Aiden Taghinia

Presentation Template

Luis Carbajal and Egor Nedelin

A mopping robot

By Egor Nedelin


Anastasia Zankina

Clothes That Change Size

by Anastasia Zankina

Introduction to the Slide Editor

Jiyoo Jye

How to use the Media Hub

Combine Video, Gifs, and Images and text, all in one post!

To report a bug or see release notes, visit the platform page.

Introduction to the Slide Editor

Jiyoo Jye

How to use the Media Hub

Combine Video, Gifs, and Images and text, all in one post!

To report a bug or see release notes, visit the platform page.

Fiber winding swarm robots

Jiyoo Jye

Pictures of box construction

Wyatt Fishman

This is the container for the electronics and inflatable bridge (miniature/scaled down) that I've been building out of cardboard. One side is open in order for the inflatable material to extend outwards.