Screw Driver - Day 1

Bridget Tobin

Today we spent all of our time on Fusion, learning the basics and how to work it. At first we spent time learning how to make a trick cup with a hole in it and then we actaully made a cup with specific dimensions. Making the specific cup with the real dimensions was much easier for me because we learned how to make half of it and then revolve it. At the end of the day, we had to pick some tool from the shop and then make it in Fusion. My partner and I made a screw driver. At first we were struggling with it since there were a lot of areas of it being round and not having exact dimensions. However, we then figured out that we could just make half of it and then revolve it into the whole object. While making the screw driver we learned the new tool of spline which was helpful because then we could just make the points our own and not have to worry about the exact dimensions.