Today at Nuvu, we learned about drawing 3-D objects on 2-D media. We learned how to show all features, by drawing the objects at a one to one scale. We learned how there is a parallel and projection method which is based on what the eyes can see. Once at parallel, it then goes to oblique and orthographic and then once at orthographic it can go into axonometric and multiview. The line of sight was also taught today but we didn't draw it out. The difference between parallel projection (line of sight) and perspective projection is that parallel doesn't really exist, it is not seen from the eye. When doing our apple dawings we learned how to describe a 3-D object with qualitative vs. quantitative. We also learned the different sections, there is cross and plan sections and then we also learned the three elevations (side, top and bottom). We spent time today drawing the different sections and elevations of an apple.