Presentation - ElectroMotion

Presentation - ElectroMotion

Julian Kennedy and Stefano Pagani

Julian Kennedy

ElectroMotion is a removable arm workout device that empowers older adults when using other electrical devices. It uses motors to generate electricity when the user does exercises similar to TheraBand workouts.

Many older adults are made to feel dependent and disenfranchised within society due to their need for electronic devices such as motorized wheelchairs and other medical devices. In addition, older adults' dependencies turn them into pariahs within society. Although some older adults do need to fully rely on their devices, many are very fully abled in particular ways. In fact, the majority of residents spoken with at the Mount Pleasant Home expressed their enjoyment with arm workouts such as TheraBand exercises. The ElectroMotion is a device that empowers the older adult population to generate their own electricity through arm exercises. In turn, it enables them to change the perception within society that they aren't independent.

The user of ElectroMotion will be able to bring the device with them and attach it to their arm at any time to exercise. The exercises that they do will turn a motor and generate electricity which will be stored. Whenever they want, they can plug their ElectroMotion into another device and use the electricity. The device is designed so that the user has control over what they use their electricity for: they could use it for a medical device, or just simply for some form of entertainment. The electricity is stored within two 5V capacitors which are charged by a bidirectional motor. The arm attachment is sleek and subtle which varies from other electronic workout devices which are bulky, non-discreet, and not portable. ElectroMotion will make older adults more independent and empowered within society, and, as a secondary benefit, make them more active. Hopefully, this will improve their roles and standing within society.