The Rythmizer Beginning Phase

The Rythmizer Beginning Phase

Jennifer Levin


Is there a popular song that is commonly sung in Brazil that we should include in this game?

Do only kids play this game or are there other similar games to this that adults may play?

The rythmizer captures the movement and the rythm all into one game from the popular activity Pular Corda in Brazil.

Today we received a lot of feedback. The most important response we got is that we must include some kind of action in our game. Instead of just having a drum that each player beats to, we decided incorporte more activities. One player will beat a drum, one will jump a rope, one will stomp their feet, and one will clap their hands. We transformed our game so that each player is doing a different action, however they have to do each of these actions with the beat of the song. 

We disregarded the comment about making our game more simple. If this game is to simple then there is not really a reason to play it.