Open Innovation Winter 2018


Amro Arida


Alex Cracraft

Daily Blog Post

Alex Cracraft

We made scene 1 and worked on scene 4 from our storyboard. We also added textures and skyboxes to the scenes. We also added physics to our astronaut.


Alex Cracraft

Daily Goals:

Tuesday: Setup scenes (don't have to completely work)

Wednesday: Implement mechanics into scenes

Thursday: Implement mechanics into more scenes

Friday: Test in VR / Repair bugs

Homework Thursday

Alex Cracraft

I've decided to use my Samsung Gear VR for the final product. So I've been working on the Android build, and I managed to get one of our scenes to function in VR on my phone. You can't walk around, and the ground moves toward you when you look down, but I'm working on that. I hope to incorporate the remote into the gameplay.

But I have the main VR mechanics down, so I just need to wrap up all the scenes. I also decided I want them to be a set time amount, somewhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes (not sure yet). Maybe I'll add a countdown on the lens for the player.


Alex Cracraft


Alex Cracraft

The concept of our project is to put the player in the shoes of Michael Collins, the third astronaut on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. We hope to evoke the feeling of isolation, as he was the farthest away from any other human has ever been from another.

Open Innovation Project Timeline

Keenan Gray and Alex Cracraft

Week 1Daily Work:


Daily Work:

Daily Work:


Daily Work:


Daily Work:

Initial Unity Design

Week 2
Daily Work:

Daily Work:

Daily Work:

Daily Work:

Poster Board

Lila Goldstein