Amorphic Pneumabots

Slim bot video

Annabelle Turner and Sina Ball


Jacob Calka and 2 OthersLucy Hirshland
Duncan Jurayj
1 / 22


The Lily is designed to continuously power itself without support, using solar power to charge in order to complete a simple task. Lily has two interdependent minds that rely completely on each other. One mind imitates the human act of sleeping to recharge its battery while the other uses this energy to carry out a task. 

The body of this robot has two main parts: a hard inner core that contains all of the electronics, and a series of small petal-like bags that surround the core like a flower. When a photoresistor senses a certain amount of light, an air pump begins to inflate these petals, increasing the robot's buoyancy. Once it has collected enough energy, it deflates its petals and sinks, it uses the electricity to power an electromagnet that collects metal under the water. Like a human's sleep-wake cycle, Lily has a routine that keeps it "alive" 

The Lily examines what robot sleep looks like compared to human sleep. The goal is to make the Lily appear more independent in the way that it "sleeps" by having it decide to charge based on its surroundings. This brings it closer to human sleep. This productive and independent routine would have many possibilities in AI. A robot that could make decisions about its day and understand why and when it needs to "sleep" would be very similar to a human in that manner. Their only purpose would no longer be to serve humans, this independence might affect the way robots are viewed by people.


A robot that consists of two interdependent robots working on different tasks in one body.  The ultimate goal of this robot is to use an electromagnet to pick up metal scraps at the bottom of the water and inflate and deflate based on how much light it sees..

The robot works symbiotically by having one part of the robot charge a battery that enables another section of the robot to complete a task. The robot was designed to mimic the way human's sleep. It serves to show how two interdependent robots that come online at different times can create the sleep-wake cycle of humans.

It can sink in water and then inflate itself to travel to the surface. Lily is disk-shaped and has an inflatable bag around it that vacuum seals in order for the robot to sink. The basic technology behind our project is an air pump that fills the bag encasing the robot with air so it can float to the surface and then sucks out all the air so the robot can sink down to the bottom.  

Furthermore, this robot raises the question: what are the differences between the robot world and humans other than simply being alive?  The answers that this question suggests starts the conversation about robots being conscious and what it really means to be alive. 


A robot that has two interdependent states living in one body, mimicking the human states of consciousness and unconsciousness; the robot's "unconscious" state recharges and stores solar power, while the "conscious" state uses the supply of energy to swim around the ocean and clean up metal scraps. The body is shaped like a flowerhead with petals that inflate at sunrise to float the body to the water's surface and deflate at sunset to sink the body into the ocean. 

The goal of this robot is to clean the ocean of metal scraps. During the day, a pump fills the petals with air and the robot absorbs solar energy while it floats. At night, air is pumped out of the petals, allowing the body to submerge in the water. Using the stored solar energy, the robot swims through the ocean while a magnet collects any nearby pieces of metal.

Lily explores the idea of what sleep could look like for a robot, and how the robot could remain purposeful while recharging. There are many different possibilities of what this may look like, and AI researchers can look at this as an opening into a new realm of possibilities for robot potential and another way to make robots more human-like. This may change the way that people think about robots, from machines that serve humans to beings that could be allowed to carry out their own lives. This introduces the possibility of a robot society raising the question of how they would interact with each other and with humans.

project board

Aveen Nagpal

The primary purpose of your Presentations  at NuVu is to describe the creative and technical journey you undertook in developing your project. In this post you will write what you are going to say, slide by slide, for your Final Post.   During your presentation you will not read from this script. It is here to help you frame your presentation and give insight to website visitors. 

Remember, you are encouraged to make your narrative as compelling as possible. All of the content below should be included, but if you would like to rearrange the material in order to tell your story differently, work with your coach.

Feel free to organize the post by slides in the presentation. The example below if for a build studio but the concept holds for a film/animation studio.

Slide 1: Write out your title and tagline.
Slide 2: Describe why your project exists, who it is for, and how that relates to the evocative image.
Slide 3: Write out your thesis.
Slides 4-15: Walk through each iteration, from initial concept to penultimate design

  • Discuss how each precedent inspired/informed your design.
  • Discuss your  sketches - how they arose from your brainstorming and how they informed the start of your design process, and how they changed and your design changed
  • Discuss each prototype - Briefly describe major design changes and how they effected the overall project arc and design.

Slide 16: Explain your use diagram - how is your your project used or function in the world.
Slide 17: Explain your mechanical diagram. Walk through how your project is put together and functions mechanically.
Slides 18-20: Walk through each of the final images and describe the overall use/design of project. Discuss the final prototype, what was a success, and where your project might go from here.

Your Presentation will:

  • Introduce the general context of your project
  • Present the thesis or design problem and how you approached the solution
  • Using precedents, begin to tell the story of the genesis and development of your actual design.
  • Describe the overall design concept.
  • Delve deeply into the heart of the design process through a description of major design iterations.
  • Thoroughly describe the final design technically and functionally through the reference to your diagrams.
  • Walk through the final images, discussing how everything came together.
  • Discuss the conceptual and technical challenges you faced. These should be broad view issues, not hyper-specific technical issues.
  • Your vision for where your project can go.


This post's privacy is set to Everyone. This post showcases your final design by telling the comprehensive story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested. The arc of the story should encompass the, How of your project in a compelling narrative. It showcases your design process including your brainstorming, each of your iterations, and your final prototype. It allows the viewer to delve deeply into your process.

  • Every Slide should have a Title and Caption.
    The body of this post is The Brief. You should include a version of the Brief for each collaborator in the project.
  • This post will be used in your review presentation at the end of the session.

You are encouraged to make your narrative as compelling as possible. All of the content below should be included, but if you would like to rearrange the material in order to tell your story differently, work with your coach.


Your presentation is a narrative, and the introduction sets up the scene for that story. Here you introduce the project, say why it is important, and summarize what you did.

TITLE WITH TAGLINE: This slides shows a crisp, clear final image and the title of your project. with a pithy blurb describing the project. The image, name, and tagline should draw a viewer in. 


  • The Fruit - A line following, light tracking robot
  • Segmented Vehicle - A vehicle that conforms to the landscape
  • Cacoon - Wearable sculpture exploring the concept of transformation and death

EVOCATIVE  IMAGE: This is a single image that shows a clear image that evokes the soul of your project. This image helps set up the why in a compelling way, sets the stage for your narrative, and will help frame the entire presentation. The caption of this slide (set with the Edit Captions button when editing your post) should discuss the context of your project. No Text on the slide.

THESIS STATEMENT: This is a TEXT ONLY slide for which briefly describes the Soul and Body of your project. You can use the project description from your Brief or write something new. This statement ties together your narrative.


  • The Cocoon:  A wearable sculpture that explores the concept of transformations and death. The Cocoon explores the spiritual journey beyond the human experience; what it means to be human, how wonder effects us, and the concept of what happens after death.
  • Body Accordion: A musical prosthetic that translates the wearer’s body movements into a dynamic multimedia performance. The Body Accordion converts flex sensor input to sound through Arduino, MaxMSP, and Ableton Live. 
  • Seed to Soup Animation: A whimsical animation about the slow food movement. Seed to Soup showcases a holistic method of cooking. From garden, to kitchen, to dinner table.
  • Antlers: A wearable sculpture inspired by antlers found in the deer and antelope family. "Antlers" explores the comparison between armor and attraction. 


The Process Portion of your presentation tells the story of how you iteratively developed your project. Somewhere in that story you should include conceptual and technical precedents that guided you at each stage as well as brainstorming and process sketches and clear photo booth imagery for 3-4 stages of your process.

This portion is made up of three types of slides repeated 3-4 times. Each iteration in your process should include:

  • PRECEDENTS:  Precedents are any projects that inspired you creatively or gave you technical guidance. These can include conceptual precedents and technical precedents. No Text.
  • SKETCHES/SKETCH CONCEPT DIAGRAMS: These slides show your generative ideas in sketch form. These should clean, clear drawings. A sketch should show a clear idea. Do not simply scan a messy sketchbook page and expect that people will understand. If you do not have a clear concept or working sketches it is fine to make them after the fact. No Text.
  • PROTOTYPE IMAGES:  These are actual images of the prototypes  you documented in your daily posts. These images illustrate your design decisions and how your project changed at each step. No Text.


The Final stage of your presentation is the resolution of your narrative and shows your completed work. The use diagram shows how your project works and the construction diagram shows how it is assembled. Final photos show the project both in action and at rest. The imagery captures your final built design.

USE DIAGRAM: A diagram showing some aspect of the functionality. These can include:

  • How one uses or interacts with the project
  • The overall behavior of the project over time
  • For a complex interactive project, this can be a clear diagram of the software behavior

MECHANICAL DIAGRAM:  A diagram offering insight on how the project is put together and functions technically.

  • Ideally, this will be an exploded axonometric
  • At minimum this can be a labeled disassembled photo  

ELECTRONICS or OTHER DIAGRAM: Additional diagrams showing some important aspect of your design. 

IMAGERY: The last slides should have an images of the final project. These images should be taken in the photo booth, cropped, and adjusted for contrast, brightness, etc. Images should include:

  • An image of the project in use (taken in the booth or at large). This should include a human interacting with the project.
  • Images of project alone. Include at least one overall image and one detail image.
  • You can also use an image In-Use. 
  • Consider using a GIF to show how the project works. 


Aero Orb

Sina Ball and Annabelle Turner


A robot that evolves to find the most efficient way to get to its target in fluid movements. The spherical robot travels by pumping air through  6 silicone pockets.

 The Slime Bot grew out of a desire to create a robot that is more like humans in certain respects. Made of six silicone pockets, the spherical robot travels with fluid motion and evolves to find the most efficient way to reach its target. Using a bit of AI, it figures out the best route to its goal(light). Using six photo resistors on each side  of the Slime Bot, it can determine which side has the most light and will want to roll that way. The rest of the robot is built using an Arduino coded to inflate different silicone pockets and determine the direction in which the sphere rolls. If the bottom pocket on the opposite side of the desired direction inflates, the 'bot will be unbalanced, causing it to roll. This also creates a fluid motion because it is not relying on hinges or solid parts to help move it. Instead it relies on air and flexible pouches. The Slime Bot was just a small step in helping push the boundaries between humans and robots. 


A soft, flexible robot that evolves to independently navigate the terrain around it in fluid movements.

Despite significant advances in soft robotics and AI technology, the majority of robots are still clunky, rigid, and need either humans or specific instructions to direct their movements. The Aero Orb is made of silicone, which gives it flexibility and makes it inflatable. Inside its squishy, spherical body, there is a layer of silicone that is split into sections that form pockets that are inflated with pumps to expand and push the Aero Orb along its path. Instead of a human determining the path, the Aero Orb comes up with its own path using a neural network. The neural network chooses which pocket to inflate depending on inputs it gets from the environment. If inflating a particular pocket leads to motion, the neural network determines that inflating that section is positive, if it doesn’t lead to it moving, it determines that it is negative. Through trial and error, the Aero Orb is able to develop an advanced way to move independently of humans. In a world of advancing technology, having a robot able to teach itself to move in a variety of environments could help the field of robotics to create a more automated world. 

bobby the hobby machine

Zeke Hurley and Aveen Nagpal

Zeke :

 The creation, "Bobby The Hobby Robot," can create an art with further aspects to it, bringing the potential to make more beauty than any other art form, truly making the world a more beautiful and intricate place. With this level of computer made beauty in a method that we will never understand it gives technology a sense of beauty in a field that we cant see and only it can decide what Is beautiful. 

Motors let and pull in strings to move a multicolored LED light around in three-dimensional space while changing its color.The program sees all the points it moves through across time simultaneously but still understanding its movement, This is because the robot is acting off all of its previous motions and recording all its movement'. Unlike humans, it truly manages to see four dimensions by seeing the complete picture it has drawn while seeing the order it did it because unlike humans robots have perfect memories and no distinction between knowledge and scenes.

Aveen : 

Bobby the Hobby Machine is a creative robot that uses sensory inputs to mimic the human subconscious and create an art piece in a way that approximates the way a human artist would work. The machine uses a system of sensors, including but not limited to color sensors, microphones, and accelerometers, in order to generate a "profile" that it will then use to affect the painting process e.g. loud, jarring sounds and a lot of green will mean it will clash with green and use other colors, or calm sounds and very blue light will mean it will use more blue in its painting. The machine was made to be more human than other robots and to act and design in a more inefficient but very creative way. A system of servo motors that attach to a chassis via taut strings moves the chassis around in three dimensions; an RGB LED light inside the chassis will light up with different colors depending on its preferences.