Professional Development

How do you tell students who never before cared about the quality of their work that it’s now time to care?

Threaten them with poor grades? They’ve seen plenty of poor grades before.

You give them a reason to care.





This is an introduction to sewing through the creation of a simple pocket to hold an object of your choosing. We will be practicing the backstitch a simple hand sewing technique to create a good looking durable seam. 


Start by selecting what will go inside of your pocket and cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than twice the size of that object. Plan and pencil in where seams and hems will be stitched. You will sew the pocket inside out then reverse it to hide the stitches. Remember to leave plenty of margin space to keep your pocket from being too small.  


Photograph your sewn creation and post about the experience of sewing and how you might apply this technique and fabric materials to your cyborg enhancement. 



We will be creating a simple LED circuit to illuminate our custom designed lamps. 


Learn the basics of electricity, battery voltage, switches, and LED polarity to prototype a simple circuit. Then, consider the design implications of embedding the LED into our paper lamp creations.


Photograph your explorations with circuits and post about how you intend to use the LED in your lamp in a unique way to create a specific lighting effect.