Identity Vessels

Identity Vessels

Bridget Kraemer


Engage and Persist

Sketching and Drawing

Identity Vessels are intended to help you learn about me by looking at and interacting with them. I made three objects, each of which relate to a memory and identity of mine. The first object is a box with sharp, colorful confetti inside and represents struggling with homework and being emotion-y. The second is a model of a D20, and represent playing Dungeons and Dragons and being a nerd. The third is four paper stick figures tied together with string and represent the time period in which my parents were splitting up and being a child of divorce. The divorce object and in particular the homework object went through many different designs before I settled on the final object.

In this studio I did a lot of sketching and writing about my ideas and the feedback my coaches and peers had. That all really helped me turn my nebulous brain swirls into tangible things I can say to or share with others. I struggled quite a bit with finding ideas I liked that I could see working out, but I did succeed in developing three concepts that I liked, the box, the die, and the people, just in the nick of time. I sketched all of my concepts, and made paper prototypes of them, which helped me know what I wanted for my final model.

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Concept Development

Studio Narrative

Bennett Dowers




Project Paragraph

During this studio, I created three objects based off of memories. The first object is a game in which you have to move up river by constructing rock bridges. The rules encourage collaboration, but also be competitive. This makes the users feel even more like some siblings exploring a river, and makes the game more like the original memory. The game board is also based off of the actual river, which evokes the original memory. The second object is a windmill that the user has to put together. It has to be put together to give the user a feeling of satisfaction, which relates to the memory of building a lego windmill and feeling accomplished. The third project is a model of some dogs, and also memories shared with those dogs. this is supposed to convey the excitement for the future when you adopt dogs.

Growth Paragraph

over the course of the studio, I grew at sketching and drawing, iteration, engaging, and collaborating. I grew at sketching when we sketched containers for objects, sketching parts of our identities on the identity cubes, and sketching memories. This will allow me to express my ideas through drawing better. I did iteration when I made cardboard versions of my projects, and experimented with different versions of my game. This helped me realize that many small ideas can be better than on big idea. I collaborated when I asked for feedback from the people at my table about my windmill project, and they said that I should make the windmill have extra pieces. This helped me improve at seeking out feedback. Raising my hand once per day and asking for feedback helped me improve at my goal of engaging and persisting, and at asking questions.






studio nar

Benny Armstrong



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During identity vessels I created three prototypes based around my memory's. The first one I made is a puppet show depicting my first trip into the woods with my father and the emptiness of the woods. The second is a pair of glasses the first ones I ever got I lost them two weeks after getting them. The third is a cupcake representing the time I made cupcakes with my mom

During this studio I strived to improve my sketching and prototyping skills. During the studio I made tons of paper and cardboard prototypes. Representing various memory I was able to abstract them into many unique designs.

Zephyros's Identity Vessels

Zephyros Koyanis



Sketching and Drawing

This object reflects my experiences and identity. The pot is a representation of my identity as a gardener, with parts of who I am filling it. The cranes and the boat both relate to my memories as a birdwatcher and sailor. These memories have shaped my personality, making me more cautious and stealthy. It tells people about who I am just looking at it. The object gives people stories about me.

In this studio I got a lot better at sketching and prototyping. Normally, my brainstorming consists of just making something, and not really exploring the idea at all. I got a lot better at using materials I did not expect to work, like making a boat or binoculars out of paper. I got a lot better at being abstract and expressing my memories. I also got a lot better at collaborating by asking for feedback and helping other people with their projects.

Lo-Fi Prototyping


Patrick Tibbetts


Engage & Persist

Lo-fi Prototyping

Project Paragraph

The prototypes produced for Identity Vessels encourage cooperation. These objects make others work together in the same way that the author felt the need to work together in the memories they were representing. A lot of different sketches and prototypes were created to get to these final projects. Using these prototypes we would get feedback then make more sketches and prototypes until we had a good final object. Each prototype is a different shape and size including squares, circles, and triangles. Each has a different function, but they all require collaboration.

Growth Paragraph

Throughout this project I have grown in many ways the biggest is I have learned how to convey different emotions through sketching and shapes of my projects. I also was able to give good and helpful feedback to others while using any feedback I was given to its fullest extent. I was also able to use a lot of sketching to decide on different ways that I could use the feedback before I built it. I used those sketches to make many different paper and cardboard prototypes. I used the various ways I learned to convey emotions in order to convey the need to work together in my objects.

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Identity Vessels

Orion Hershey


Orion Hershey, Fall 2023

The projects were meant to portray the various feelings you experience while perceiving nature; while there’s no “right” answer to said feelings, the ones they were aiming to evoke were wonder, awe, fascination, and intimidation. The first project was a collection of mushrooms made from tissue paper. These were based off of my experiences observing mushrooms in the forest behind my backyard. They were meant to be something that would be interesting to look at, that fascinated people. This was accomplished by making them visually appealing and including a variety of different mushrooms to catch attention. The second project was the silhouette of an elk in a box with backlighting softened by tissue paper. It was based on  a memory of encountering an elk in the woods when I was young, and was meant to evoke awe and intimidation, to try to capture the memory in such a way so that people can experience the moment for themselves.

Kaia's identity vessles

Kaia Narbunshart




For my final identity vessels, I ended up making a Library tree, a person trapped inside of a book, and a feelings forest. For my library tree it ties to memories of me reading under a tree and feeling calm and relaxed. You use the object by going and getting books to read, or just admiring the nature. The second identity vessel is a person trapped inside a book. This ties to a memory of me getting so invested in a book that I couldn't think about anything other than the book, and it felt like I was sucked into the book's world. You can use the object by looking at the inside of the book and seeing a little person reading. My third object was a feelings forest, which is associated with the memories of me feeling stuck with overstimulated and stressed emotions.

Lo-fi prototyping

I started my project by thinking about my identity and memories that relate to my identity. I thought of memories relating to nature, trees in specific, reading, TV, and colors that convey emotions. I then tried to think of how these memories and my identity can be turned into objects. I also did lots of sketching, drawing, and writing to help me brainstorm about ideas for objects.

After this I began to turn my ideas into paper prototypes and later more finished cardboard prototypes. I made a paper prototype of a trampoline, an old fashioned TV, and a paper prototype of a tree with shelves for books and a hollow and very colorful inside. I also made a cardboard version of that where I incorporated more nature, and bookshelves on branches on the outside of the tree.

Identity Vessels

Patrick Tibbetts


Patrick Tibbetts, Fall 2023

During this project I have been working on learning how to take experiences that I have personally had and turning them into objects that can help other people understand how I felt in those moments either by how the objects looks, feels, or functions. As well as learning how to make a project look good even if i'm not using very high-fi materials or tools to make the project look good.

My Identity Vessels

Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan


Dhruv Mohan, Fall 2023

Hobbies are a huge part of my life. Especially basketball, skiing, and hiking. The things that I have experienced while doing these hobbies have played a big role in my upbringing, and who I am today.


Dhruv Mohan and Dhruv Mohan

- Basketball game

-Taking the "T" by myself.

- Building chairs

- Hiking Mt. Washington

- Singing Recital

- Summiting Mt. Liberty

- My first day at  sleep away camp.

- Helping my cousin move into college.