Smart Tools

Saba Ghole

With the rise of personal manufacturing (3D printers, laser cutters, milling machines), personalized tools are entering our everyday household like never before! Shaper’s Origin, an augmented reality power cutter, brings the power and precision of a CNC Machine into a portable form factor that even novices can use! GoPro’s tiny camera has formed a cult following of avid users who love to design unique adapters to mount these cameras onto any surface imaginable, including the human body, to capture amazing footage from unusual vantage points. What will the tools of the future look like? It’s your chance to design the future of smart tools!

In this studio, we’ll be enhancing and augmenting human capabilities through the design of smart tools that blend effortlessly into the human body. We’ll begin by exploring innovative products in the market that are combining responsive technologies and thoughtful design all into portable tool. Then you’ll come up with ideas for futuristic tools that reimagine how individuals can make and create! Students will learn how to integrate robotic components into their tool designs, i.e. Micro controllers, external sensors and actuators. Where the human body ends and where the tool begins, we won’t be able to decipher; but what we do know is, these tools will give us the freedom and functionality to create things like a superhero!


Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:

   Industrial Design

     Interaction Design

  Digital Fabrication (Laser-cutting, 3d Printing)



  Robotics (Arduino)


  3d Modeling


  • Enrolling students must be between the ages of 11 to 18 (middle and high school students)