The Easy LED
By River Doyle
The Easy LED is a device that allows people of any coding proficiency to control their LED strips. I see a lot of wasted potential with these lights because they can do so much cooler stuff than just display solid colors or maybe a few preset patterns. My Device creates animations through the use of a few buttons and dials thus allowing anyone to be as creative as they want without needing any coding knowledge.
Precedents Option 2
Show at least 1 Conceptual and 1 Technical Precedents (delete this)
in this mode you can play the animations you created
This sets the brightness for the stip
This sets the frame per second for the animation
This cycles between your animations
in this mode you can create animations
This dictates how many leds you have selected
This dictates the color of those Leds
This locks in the selected Leds to their current color and allows you to complete a frame
Video / GIF
Clip of final project, demonstrating how it works.
** Bonus Slide ** (delete this)