Open Innovation Spring 2020


Siena Jekel

many people don't have the resources to sterilize ppe, they then have the risk of getting COVID. This project is a self-sanitizing station that allows people to sterilize their ppe at home and reduce the risk of them getting COVID. the project is built in a sphere that has a hole to fit in a diffuser as well as having a tray to hold somebody's ppe. the diffuser diffuses hydrogen peroxide into the sphere while ppe is inside. this project can really be used by anyone but could help keep people safe.


Will Fosnot

Brief: Mimic is an interactive app that allows you to try and mimic something that someone else made without instructions. Mimic is a fun, hands-on activity where you can try to mimic several different things and solve difficult puzzles while having fun with family and friends.

          While everyone is stuck at home, everyone's life gets boring, and when people are bored they tend to go on their phone. Since everyone’s life has become digital this app allows you to still have some parts digital but the real fun is hands on and in person. This app is a way where people could attempt to build something that has no instructions, struggle, laugh, have fun, and feel productive with friends and family. Inside the app people could try to mimic something by themselves, work on one with a friend, create something new and interesting for other people to try to build. If you don’t have the proper materials, no need to worry, you could try digital mode and make a mimic and post it digitally. It is an app meant for all ages and helps spark your creative mind. It also helps relieve some of the stress you're feeling during these tough times.

project video

Will Fosnot

Growing Sensations

Luca Rudenstine

Growing Sensation Therapy is a wearable bodysuit with a built in therapeutic accessories designed with the purpose of reducing stress. Using aromatherapy, heat, and compression, the clothing piece was constructed to incorporate a number of different meditation methods and address areas where the body holds stress.

 With the rapid spread of COVID-19, millions of jobs have been lost, schools shut down, and “regular life” as we know it put on hold. The harm this virus imposes on the world has many people in a state of stress. At the start of my brainstorming phase, I reflected on the many different emotions I was experiencing. Each day I have woken up with a tiny seed of stress growing in my stomach. It rithers up my body to my throat where it forever lodges itself. It is a slight stress -- not enough to debilitate or over-consume, but it is there nonetheless. This visualization of stress as a plant growing inside my body prompted me to imagine a wearable piece centered around releasing physical stress in the body. 

This suit is worn as a second skin. While the bodysuit is on, the article releases a number of different responses to address different nodes in the body. Constructed using heat conductive fabric, as well as flexible nylon-lycra blend material, the garment is tight and compresses the figure to promote blood flow and mimic a hug. Wires connected to a programmed arduino run along the suit, creating a visual branching affect. A touch sensor is attached to the user's finger. Once the sensor makes contact with the fabric, heat runs through the suit. Thermochromic pigment has been stamped onto the garment as a visualization of the activity as well as a representation of the plant. In the prototyping model, oil pad diffusers are placed along the garment. When the piece heats up, the oil pads begin secreting essential oil blends which can be customizable to the users choosing. 

Clash of Cards

Liam Coughlin

Clash of Cards is an application gaged towards the elderly population that brings the thrilling experience of card games into their homes. This app enables them to socialize and play with their friends when they are not able to come together physically. 

The app utilizes a video chat component as well as a lobby function that allows friends to play with each other. In these difficult times, it is hard for people to socialize among themselves and it is especially difficult for people who are less technologically able as the rest of the population. This product is gauged towards the elderly population that would normally be playing card games in person but are now stuck at home with little to do. During this social distancing period, everything has shut down including community centers and bridge clubs. For some people, playing cards was one of their few forms of social interaction. The app brings this interaction to the virtual world so people can play from the comfort of their own home. The app consists of a lobby system where users can invite their friends to a game at a set time and also a video chat system to try and replicate the face to face interaction that is no longer possible. There is no multiplayer games app on the market that is oriented towards the connection of the elderly population. This product is intended to bring back the social interaction that no longer exists due to social isolation.

Self Sterilizing Mask

Siena Jekel