1.0 Creating your workspace

Creating Your Studio Setup

Chris Perry

Creating Your Studio Setup

For this activity, you will be creating a space where you can work on your robot over the next two weeks. There are two parts to this activity:

Part 1: Space 

  1. To start off, you will need to find a space where you will be able to work, and to clear it off completely. Perhaps you have a desk or table that you can use, or maybe prefer to work on the floor. 
  2. Once you have staked your claim and cleared it off, you may want to clean it as well (either wipe it down, brush it off, etc.)
  3. Take a picture of your work surface to share with the studio 

Part 2: Materials

  1. In addition to the materials we have sent you, collect any other tools you may have or think that you might need.
  2. Unpack the kit delivered to you ahead of studio. Try to identify each piece based on the included components list.
  3. Organize those materials in your space, for how to organize, you can check out this video on Knolling
  4. Photograph the materials you have knolled to share with the studio

Part 3: Software 

  1. Please download Arduino an IDE for editing the code of your robot. Ensure that Arduino opens on your computer for the first day of class. [Additional Help on Installing]
  2. You will also need to be able to plug the included USB cable into your computer, if you are using a mac, you may need a usb to usb-c Adapter

Once you complete this activity, be sure to take at least  (2) photos of your work surface and knolled materials. 

From the studio home page, there is a "projects" tab. Find your name and use the "Create a Post" feature to upload photos of your workspace.  We will be going over the posting procedure on the first day, but it is very useful to become familiar with the process ahead of time. 

Kit Materials

Keenan Gray