Noah's brief

1. A new form of transportation that harnesses air currents to enable rollerbladers to reach higher speeds. This piece of equipment uses air currents to accelerate.

2. The Rollerfan creates a new form of transportation and a competitive activity in which less athletic people are able to compete against more athletic people. Rather than requiring a lot of physical strength, the Rollerfan requires skill and understanding of how the sail's angle affects its wind power. The fan consists of a quarter circle of windproof sail.  Finally, a harness was attached to the sail and wooden planks and strings were added which, when pulled, shifted the direction of the sail. The Rollerfan challenges the idea that transportation requires fuel by using only the power of the wind to move. The Rollerfan offers a safer and better alternative for children to other forms of transportation because it does not reach dangerous speeds and will help keep neighborhoods quieter and more peaceful.

Uliana's brief

RollerFan is a wearable sail that allows the user to move faster on rollerblades.

It's hard to rollerblade fast when it is windy. RollerFan harnesses the wind from any direction to push the user forward. We created this project so that the user could go faster on rollerblades with less effort.  RollerFan is made out of two flat wooden beams, one is facing vertically and another is facing horizontally to make the skeleton of the sail. Sewed onto the beams is a quarter-circle piece of Tyvek to from a sail. The fabric that the sail is made out of is a plastic-like fabric that does not allow air through. This fabric allows the sail to be able to harness more wind. RollerFan helps rollerbladers move with more ease when there is wind. This project could even be adapted for skateboarders too.