Dhruv & Hide's Final Project

Dhruv & Hide's Final Project

Hide and Dhruv Mohan

By Dhruv & Hide


Centraphone is a giant megaphone designed to give teenagers a voice to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions, Etc… Centraphone was built because research showed that the people of Cambridge would like to see more community spaces to meet other people. When brainstorming, it was also found that there are a lot of current community spaces that aren’t being used. At this point, the problem at hand was not how to create more community spaces, it was how to make those spaces used. So, to do this, the Centraphone was created. 

Now, teens have a space to voice their own opinions and ideas, because being a teenager can be hard and especially in central square, where the majority of the community is college kids who are usually not even from Massachusetts. The Centraphone will have a whiteboard coating in order to let teens draw what they are thinking. The Centraphone can also be used to relax or eat lunch. The megaphone is made up of plexiglass and the ladder out of wood.