The theory behind the studio was to make a filter that could remove salt and other contaminants from water.
The world is heating up and drought is severely effecting people, the filter we make must clean seawater for people living on the coast.
Use graphene, a membrane with pores small enough that only water molecules can fit through.
We started with writing pseudo code to help get the basic idea of what we wanted to simulate. The program was written in python which is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. The first feature we wanted the program to have was to create water with an amount of salinity, and pass it through a filter and be able to calculate how much salt is filtered out which we decided would be 98 percent. Other variables were added that could affect the efficiency of the filter including, pressure, volume, and area of graphene. We also added a way to know the lifetime of the filter, as the life reduces the efficiency of the filter goes down as well.
Data, Analysis, and Results:
The simulation worked well although we did not know the qualities of graphene so the filter could not give accurate results.
Although the simulation did not simulate the graphene filter, the details of graphene could be applied and the simulation would operate perfectly.