Adult Clothing

Verity Gould and Benny Armstrong

by Benny Armstrong and Verity Gould

Adult Clothing is a line of shirts designed to feature messages commonly found on baby clothing, focusing specifically on the degrading, sexual, or otherwise disturbing messages that would be seen as unacceptable for an adult to wear. These shirts are made in adult shapes and sizes. The tag on the shirt unfolds into a zine explaining how the message on the shirt diminishes children’s autonomy and how the children wearing shirts like it are often not old enough to know how to read or consent to the displayed message.

This product is designed as a shop drop, meaning a product placed in a store by a party not affiliated with said store. This would specifically be left in stores that carry the children’s clothes in question. When an adult finds these shirts in their section, they would be distressed. Adult Clothing aims to place that distress front and center, and ask people who may be or become parents if they really want these messages on their children. It displays these messages are harmful and dehumanizing, and how if anything it’s better for adults who can read and understand the meaning behind the “silly” message to wear these confusing shirts.