Feminist Fashion

Kody White and Kylee Hill

Feminist Fashion

Designed by Kylee and Kody

n “Future Feminism”, explored different subsections of fourth- and third-wave feminism in 2023, and then hypothesized about what the future of feminist activism would look like. The different concepts of traditional wives, TERFs, and womanism were explored. Understanding these concepts was vital to our research, and we used them as examples of what we did and didn't want to see in a feminist evolution.

The final pieces incorporated research and inspiration from streetwear and punk aesthetics. The garment has patches created using canvas fabric, ink, block printing, and altered clothing by fraying and fitting it. The final result is a fitted top, arm warmers, and a vest. The pieces can be worn separately or together and can be completely made using upcycled materials. The zine was created to go alongside the pieces and feature background information on our proposed 'fifth wave' of feminism, tutorials on how we created each garment, and definitions of the symbols featured on the vest.