Lift off... almost

Lift off... almost

Ryan Bendremer

Today we started to make a flying snitch. We zip tied are 2 frames together to make our complete sphere shaped frame. We already had all the wiring so all we had to do is connect the battery and setup the controller to the transmitter. Our first test didn't if move it was way to heavy with the wooden box. In our second test we actually got the snitch to move and roll. We took away the box and put 2 strings of fish line and put zip ties on each side attached to the fishing line and then let the throttle go. It actually went up on the wire and flew in the air. It wasn't that stable but we accomplished our goal of the day. GETTING IT AIRBORN. In that test the wires were just hanging down and weren't actually attached to anything. In a solution to that we taped the wires to each side with electrical tape. The great thing about electrical tape is that it is strong and won't rip easily. Then we tested it again with the fishing line and it worked. Tomorrow we will start to program the micro Arduino. Today was a big success.