The inside of the snitch is coming along well

The inside of the snitch is coming along well

Ryan Bendremer
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Today we created a design of the outside frame of the snitch and then tried to 3d print it. Unfortunatley, the 3d print did not work so we will continue it tomorrow. We made a model in rhino with 3d shapes to act as the batteries, motors, transmitter, and propellers. We decided how we would distribute the things I just listed and we decided to have one motor and propeller on the top and one on the bottom. They will be spinning in different directions because of counter rotation. Now they will cancel out. All the other equipment will be placed on the bottom to put more weight on the bottom so it is more stable. It will turn by having one motor turn stronger then the other.  The final model of the snitch will be able to go in all directions. An idea our group came up with is to make the snitch do something special like make it light up when a person come near it. Another idea is to make a stick on the side and it will turn the stick towards the person. The inside of the snitch is going very well and we hope to get the frame finished tomorrow.