Daily Update

Cameron Astles
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Today, we fleshed out our ideas. We worked hard on our main character's personality traits and the ways he would behave in certain situations. Then we presented said ideas in front of the class. After the presentations, we worked in our groups on divvying up jobs. I started making the first level and continue to work on the opening track. Above is the first level I made. I worked on getting the lighting and shadowing perfect. To match the background, I tinted it with purple. I tried getting the camera in the best vantage point. Next, I will work on the are behind the building to make it look more inhabited. I also tried adding in fog but it looked crappy. I think I'll try looking at the premade fogs in the store, maybe there is a better looking one there? For the opening title soundtrack, I was thinking of a more atmospheric background with maybe some piano?? I will make sure it has a seamless loop.