The Wonderful World of Plants

The Wonderful World of Plants

Rajveer Parekh

The Wonderful World of Plants

Rajveer P.



Rajveer's Brief: The wonderful world of plants is a film on plant circadian rhythms. This project is created for entry into the Breakthrough Junior Challenge - a science communication contest where students are challenged to explain a complex science topic in 1.5 minutes in an illuminating manner. 

This topic was chosen because many individuals know about circadian rhythms in humans, but very few non-biologists know about the phenomenon occurring in plants, too. The main goal behind this film was to explain the concept in a simple and fun-filled manner and a spark of curiosity in the minds of young adults and explain the concept at hand in a simple and humor and fun-filled manner  

This is a mixed-media film project which will draw workflows from video footage and illustration/animation through Adobe After Effects & Illustrator. Editing for this project will be done through Premiere Pro & Audacity.