
Mathew Paul and Thomas Galletti

The Grocery Store is a game simulating the struggle that many business owners are facing this pandemic. The player must design a grocery store in a way that is profitable and doesn't cause infections in their store. They must also deal with uncooperative customers who refuse to follow pandemic guidelines.

The Grocery Store is designed to help the general public understand the many challenges that small business owners are facing during the pandemic. It can also be played by small business owners to help them experiment with the new ways that stores must be designed and operated. The game uses the library to create a browser game with a drag-and-drop interface. The player can design their store using the built in assets and then run a simulation that will end with a breakdown of the profits made, % chance of infection and the areas in the store that are of the biggest risk. During the simulation, there is a chance that customers can come in that aren't following pandemic guidelines, such as not wearing a mask or distancing themselves from the other customers, and the player will be given choices on how to handle these customers.