Katia Zolotovsky


Part 1. COLLECT: 

Think about all of the new shared experiences created during the pandemic that didn't exist before. Make a list describing each in one sentence, you can list some of the examples we showed and come up with your own. 

Part 2. FOCUS 

Speak with your assigned partner to get feedback, describe what you are interested, and focus in on one experience.


Create an instruction manual for one of the shared experiences you collected. Imagine you need to send visual instructions of this experience to the pre-pandemic self. Include enough details and steps needed to recreate this experience.


Look at the examples we posted, choose a style or invent your own → Focus on the elements and details of the experience → Sketch for 15-20 minutes → Create a digitalized graphic → Document, document, document


Upload the instruction manual you created to the response tab (anything underlined will be clickable) of this assignment. 

Tutorials To Watch

Rhino to Illustrator by Amanda

We will be online after lunch for those who want to talk, but it is not required, you are free to just work on the project and post when completed.

Thank you!