Sleepy Robot

Robert Lermusiaux and Thomas Galletti
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Thomas Brief:

Sleepy is a robot that tries to carry itself through the day but can’t and instead falls asleep constantly. He is a self balancing robot that uses an IMU as an input to detect tilt, which, under ideal circumstances directs a signal to the motor in the same direction of the lean to catch itself. However, Sleepy doesn’t always do that quite right and falls asleep a lot.

Sleepy was originally a very energetic robot. He was employed at the White House where he performed various daily tasks for the President. He became addicted to coffee and had a cup after almost everything he did which in turn caused him to become even more energetic than before. Slowly the energy that made him so useful as a robot became an annoyance to the president. Faced with no other option, the President banned coffee throughout the White House. After the ban, Sleepy became incapable of performing even the most mundane of tasks, as he would fall asleep. He tries to get through the day but is simply incapable. He then decided to move to NuVu in Cambridge, MA where he continues to be in the same coma-like state from before.

Robert Brief: