AI: Nuvietown Farm edition 2020

AI: Nuvietown Farm edition 2020

Jenny Kinard

Session 2: Jul 20-31, 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) is omnipresent in today’s industries and products, including transportation, medical diagnosis, search engines, shopping, marketing, autonomous vehicles, social media, remote sensing, and many more.  This Summer, we will focus our efforts around AI on Nuvietown’s agriculture and food systems, applying the concepts of machine learning, computer vision, and automation to the far ranging needs and gaps in the preparing, growing, harvesting, and processing phases of farming.  As our world changes increasingly rapidly, the field of agriculture must learn to adapt more nimbly than ever before to meet the needs of a growing population in a changing climate with unknowns outside even the best predictions.  To build resilience for and with our farmers, we will touch on the implications and applications of GPS guidance, sensors, robotics, and autonomous vehicles have in the agricultural world and how these systems can creatively be hacked or adjusted to produce more efficient, more productive, or simply more interesting results aimed specifically at the small scale farms which supply our world, our communities, and our bellies with critical resources.  

In this studio, we’ll ask what elements make a futuristic farm and more specifically how can we utilize the brute force and elegance that AI and computation provides to enrich our farming?  We’ll provide the resources to dive into computer vision with OpenCV, robotics, Internet of Things, and more to develop precise, automated, and innovative additions to the farm of the future. Get ready to dive into deeper learning, and apply it hands-on in Nuvietown: Farm Edition!


Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:

   Machine Learning (AI, Deep Learning, Neural Networks)

   Physics (Electricity, Magnetism)




   Robotics (Arduino, Sensors, Actuators)


  • Enrolling students must be any of the following:
    • High School Student
    • Post-High School Gap Year Student
  • Students must have prior programming experience