
Ella Val

Play 1: Mamma Mia

Play 2: Romeo and Juliet

Play 3: Wayang theatre

  1. Mamma Mia (the musical)
    1. Mamma Mia is a musical which is a style that evolved throughout the 20th and now the 21st century. Mamma pulls from styles of realism, romanticism, and melodrama/19th century (songs accompanying actions)
    2. The use of light and scenic design work together simultaneously. The  buildings are dull during day time but come alive at night to create a tiny greek village
    3. An illuminated boardwalk inwards towards the audience allows the audience to have a more intimate feeling/connection with characters/scenes
  2. Romeo and Juliet
    1. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by Shakespeare. It draws from renaissance, romanticism, and neoclassicism styles
    2. Witten with the intent that the actors would tell the story (not many props or complicated scenery)
    3. Shakespeare interred to write this play in one lighting (daylight) and a simple trust stage. It had few props and the scenery was based upon a rear balcony acting as Juliets bedroom window
  3. Wayang Theatre
    1. Known for its elaborate puppets and musical styles. This form of storytelling originated in Indonesia specifically the island of Java
    2. There are two principal types of wayang puppets
      1. 3D wooden puppets
      2. Flat leather shadow puppets that are projected infant of a green and lit from behind
    3. Both types are characterized by costumes, facial features, and musicians play complex melodies with traditional instruments in the foreground
    4. The stories borrow chapters from indigenous myths and heroes from cultural tales