Final Brief

Maddie Johnson-Harwitz

"Shatter the Silence, Stop Domestic Violence" is a radio package about domestic abuse that tackles the problems that many survivors face. The package contains three interviews: one of a prosecutor who worked on domestic violence cases, one of a volunteer at a shelter for domestic violence survivors, and one of counselor at a place that works with abusers.

The radio package is centered around domestic abuse and brings to light the many obstacles survivors face. The three different interviews discuss domestic abuse and the hardships those face when escaping abuse. Domestic abuse is a stigmatized problem that many suffer through alone, and this radio package aims to bring to light the issues survivors face. It brings up the idea of community help for survivors, and talks about the need for different kinds of support for survivors. 

The goal of "Shatter the Silence, Stop Domestic Violence" is to educate people on what domestic abuse is, what it looks like, what it feels like, and the many hardships survivors of abuse face, both when in a bad situation and after they have fled a bad situation. It raises the idea of community involvement to help survivors rebuild, and what can be done by others outside the situation to help the survivor and stop the abuse. The radio package is intended for a wide audience and tries to bring to light what people can do to help survivors and provide the support that they need. Most importantly, it can also be listened to by survivors to show them that they are not alone.