
Ben Ferguson and Dean Brooks

Ben Ferguson

HungerCam is an app that allows users to quickly access the nutritional content of fast food. They find options that meet their dietary restrictions, without going inside the restaurant or using the website. Instead, the users view the options by hovering a phone over the restaurant logo that is outside. Additionally, they can tap on their phone to select the food items and get further information about the food. Users swipe and zoom to look deeper into the one item they are interested in. This app is made for people to save time, give nutritional facts, and meet personal dietary restrictions. HungerCam helps save time because all you have to do is open up your phone and everything you need will show up. It also gives nutritional facts because everyone is interested in knowing what they are about to eat. Finally for meeting personal dietary restrictions if someone has an allergy or is on a strict diet, it is easy to navigate and find what you need. In conclusion, HungerCam is for anyone that is interested in knowing about what is in the food they are potentially going to eat.

Dean Brooks

HungerCam allows the user to interact with popular food chain logos. To receive nutritional facts about the restaurant's offerings. A 3D menu including the price of each item will pop up when the logo is scanned. This will help the user make better decisions about they eat. Bad eating habits are easily formed and can be tedious to shake. Anyone can use it to save time by not having to search for the menu online. Instead, they just point their phones at it. The target image is scanned by the camera and produces a three dimensional image. It differs from other technology because it is fully interactive, easy to use, and provides a great deal of information.