Monday, December 4th

Monday, December 4th

Raphael Edwards

We worked a lot today on the idea of the physical therapy exercise for Nico today. We created different prototypes and kept coming up with different design issues. We started off by creating a brace with an elastic band to make it harder for Nico to extend his arm and work on the muscles involved in his shooting motion. However, it did not provide enough control for Nico's arm. We decided to then create a stand for the brace that would attach to the wheelchair. However, it provided too much control and not enough mobility for his arm. So we decided to design a stand that could move in three directions: side-to-side, up-and-down and forwards and backward. We would like to pursue this design and finish its prototype in the coming days.

Learning a lot of new mechanics really excites me about this project and I also the idea of working on someone's performance through a device. 

We would like to know more about Nico's shoulder and overall arm mobility as well as if he prefers and a physical therapy device or a device that would help him shoot further.