Benjamin Lehv

The players see several challenges including the quality of their carts versus opponents, the street, and weather conditions. These players can try to build the best carts and steer as best they can to avoid these obstacles. Players can overtake each other and bump into each other making the game very highly competitive. One aspect of fun in this game is that it can be played over and over and over again because there can always be a different winner. The game can be fair if participants create carts at the same level and don’t break the rules.


This is an informal game that is created by the players and not by a company. The game is very similar to cardboard box racing and soapbox car racing. The equipment required to play the game is a cart and a street. This game has no clear origination and is said to be made up by a mechanic and his son, but never the less the game is played all over Brazil. Despite no professional form of the game is played by people of all ages and is widely popular.