
Stefano Pagani and Abi Tenenbaum

Our project was to make a movie explaining the role sugar plays in our lives and where it came from. We researched various studies and came to the conclusion that many people don't realize how bad sugar is. For example, many think that sugar has too many calories, but really what happens is that our liver can't digest all of that sweet all at once. We decided that we would have a history section in the beginning that helps people see the full history of sugar. We also decided to film our movie from top view, so that we could make it look like it was all in one cut. We chose the music and color scheme to lighten the intense topic we were focusing on. We hope that this video will give people insight into their diet, helping them decide what food to eat, and how to moderate their sugar intake in a healthy way.


Stefano Pagani and Abi Tenenbaum
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In the studio film and animation, the goal was to make movies focusing on three major themes in health: Food, Disease, and Accessibility. We decided to focus on sugar, and the story behind how it came into our lives. At first, we wanted it to be about what you can eat and what you can’t, but we realized that most people already know about that. Instead, we decided to explain about the history of sugar and the actions of the companies that are invested in getting us addicted. We decided to have the movie be live action with animation on top, because we that way we could intrigue the audience with artistic shots of sugar and Coca Cola. We wanted to film the whole movie in top view, so that we could make it look like it was all in one cut. We started making the story board, and we went through many iterations in order to achieve the effect and show the viewer the point that we intended to make. This movie was designed to inspire people to give up sugar, so that they could start living a happier, healthier, and purer life.