NuVu Platform: Logging In

James Addison

If you have used the NuVu Platform before AND you remember your password, then skip to STEP 4 and 5. If this is your first time using the Platform or if you have forgotten your password, then follow all of the steps below. 

STEP 1: In the top-right corner, click the word "login." 

STEP 2: When the black menu appears, click "reset password," and enter your school email address, and then click "Send Password Reset Link."

STEP 3: Check your school email account for an email from NuVu. Be sure to check your junk email folder as well if you don't see the email in your inbox. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

STEP 4: You should now see your name in the top right corner. Success! (your screen will look slightly different than mine). Under "Studios" click on our current studio, "Cyborg Enhancements". You can also find this studio by clicking on your name in the top right corner.

STEP 5: You are now on the landing page for our studio for the rest of the term! To let me know that you have succeeded in making it this far, make a celebratory comment under the post "comment here!" This post will only appear if you have logged in successfully. 

Pre-studio Activity

Ammar Ahmed

Dear Students,

Welcome to the studio! I hope summer is going well and that you either have or will receive your maker kits soon. As a warm-up, pre-studio activity we will examine traces of social activism and disruption in our respective neighborhoods or environments. 

Objective: Understand that social mobilization takes place all around us and that it is traceable.


  1. Look for a strip of pink dot stickers in your Maker Kit. You will use these to tag instances of activism or public expression.
  2. Wear a mask and go for a walk in your neighborhood. Focus on areas of assembly or where there's a lot of foot traffic. You might find posters, graffiti, artifacts, signs or traces of activity that address an issue of local or global significance.
  3. Tag a pink dot next to what you find and take in a photograph in landscape mode. Make sure the pink dot can be easily seen.
  4. Draw a map of your walk. Use pencil or pen on a piece of paper to illustrate important locations and streets on your map. Identify the locations of your findings.

Post your following deliverables here:

  1. Photographs with captions that identify what you saw and what issue is being addressed.
  2. A map of your walk. Download Adobe Scan app for Apple or Android devices and use it to scan images if necessary.