Tuesday Homework!

Nil Tuzcu

Draw: Kitchen Tool in Location and in Action

Read:  "My First Hike" by E.B. http://www.waypointadventure.org/my-first-hike-by-e-b/ and "Meet Sara" http://www.waypointadventure.org/meet-sara/

Articles are short but click on the links in the articles to learn more about Waypoint, Cotting School, and students' experiences! Be prepared to talk about the articles. 

Watch: Waypoint Promo Video: http://www.waypointadventure.org/waypoint-promo-video/

Visit Waypoint Youtube Channel to learn more about their work: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHyuFUKbGWU3eUDxlOx-GIg

En able and Dis able: Part 2

Rosa Weinberg

For the second part of the exercise, the groups will address the lack of ability identified in part one and enable themselves to complete a specific action goal. You may use the material and tools provided as well as any found objects within the studio. Ideas to consider:

  • The action goal need NOT be the same as the disabling effect – feel free to explore new possibilities for ability opened by your disability
  • Enable action through novel means – you need not replicate the original ability, you need only address the identified activity
  • Engage other senses or physical abilities to address the action
  • Act of the environment rather than yourselves