Local Agents of Change


Beckett Munson and Ari Sinert

Story of Self,

Story of Us,

Story of Now

Local Agents of Change,

Beckett Munson, Ari Sinert


Project Thesis:

MOBILIZE! is a campaign built on the premise that when young people are active in and amongst their community, they are kinder, happier, and more hopeful human beings. NuVu students do not benefit from any of these principals as they are seldom involved in activism because of lack of opportunity and time. MOBILIZE! will organize NuVu students to experience activism through engagement with their community and local organizations to create a prolonged base of activists. 

Final Presentation

Benny Armstrong and Finn Mayeux

To The School Committee

by: Finn & Benny

Educating the Education System

Charlie Whinnery and Wyatt Gold

Educating The Education System

By Wyatt Gold and Charlie Whinnery.

pictures from the recent Newton strike

Educating the Education System is a video essay targeted at students who were negatively affected by the education system. The intention is to inform the public about the major issues in schools all around America. It consists of multiple interviews with a number of Nuvu students about their thoughts and stories in public school.

Final Presentation | Zebra Project

Trevor McDonald and Noelle Aminoff

"If deep change depended solely on outside invention it would never happen."

- Marshall Ganz

Project Zebra

Noelle Aminoff & Trevor McDonald

02.02.2024 | Local Agents of Change

Something here

Thesis Statement

Trevor McDonald and Noelle Aminoff

Navigating the healthcare system can often feel like a complex maze. With numerous challenges ranging from understanding medications to managing paperwork, these obstacles can create uncertainty and stress for patients and their families. Both of us have personally experienced or witnessed loved one's struggle to advocate for themselves within this system, and we wanted to provide a tool to aid the issue. Our goal is to develop an app that provides easy access to essential information and equips patients with practical tools, to seek outside help and be adequately prepared for appointment day.

Theory of Change: If people learn how to better advocate for themselves and their medical issues, the result will be a more streamlined healthcare system where doctors and patients understand each other because they will have learned more about the healthcare process.

Organizing Sentence: We are organizing NuVu parents to pursue more transparent and easier access to healthcare resources by creating a website/app to achieve a more streamlined medical process by the end of this studio.