Final Presentation
January 10, 2023
MoodThing is a wearable device intended to assist in expressing emotions through colored lights. The user uses a potentiometer to change the color of lights on the object, and the color of those lights indicates their present emotion.
Project Statement
Client Profile
- Finn feels they have difficulty being honest about their emotions to other people. They want a device that helps communicate feelings non-verbally and without vulnerability.
- They want a device purely for expression and communication, rather than something to change their emotional state itself.
Using colors to express emotions is a common practice in art, though which emotions some colors represent can vary. Red is almost universally anger, love, and/or courage depending on context, but some colors like yellow are interpreted rather differently, even in context. So, the usage of this product would require some explanation by the user, but hopefully a lot would be interpreted reasonably well.
Zenta by Vinaya
A device that tracks happiness day-to-day, similar to a fitness tracker. Good design inspiration.
The mood ring
The original mood detecting and expressing device (though it didn't really work). Gave me the idea of a wearable that uses colors.
Traditional color/mood associations
In general, people will infer what you mean when your device is a certain color.
Sketch Exploration
Prototype 1
A looks-like prototype of the bracelet, with the tape intending to represent the lights and the box being a place the computer would go.
Prototype 2
A works-like prototype of NeoPixels with the hue controlled by a potentiometer and an Arduino Nano.
Prototype 3
A rough combination of the bracelet design and the electronics, made into a watch-like design with a ring of lights.
Use Diagram
Technical Diagram
Wiring Diagram
Final Photos
Final Photos
Final Photos
Thanks for [listening/enjoying/putting up with me]!