Making Sense of Design

Sting Like Honey

Gabe Murray and 2 OthersAmedeo Bettauer
Munther Elsayed


Gabe + Amedeo + Munther

A honey bear that makes you taste pride. Our interpretation was very literal. To us, tasting pride meant tasting our victory and success.The basis of our design was a honey bear that when punched, would dispense candy. First insert the candy in a hatch. When the red button on the stomach is hit, a rod attached to the punching bag aligns with a hole in the candy dispenser. After the candy is in the rod, continuing to punch makes it align with a second hole that releases the candy out of the bears backside. The bear is supported by a metal spring and the rest of the material is foam. Eating the candy after attacking the bear (lightly) should give you a "taste of pride", until you get hungry and fill it again.

The Resistance Weight

Victoria Haggins - Wright and Chloe Goodman


Chloe Goodman + Victoria Haggins

Our project is a dumbbell (or weight, if you prefer) that gives you a personalized, customizable workout that will make you feel accomplished no matter what your skill level. 

To start off, we were given a prompt; a dumbbell that makes you feel accomplished, so we went and brainstormed some different ideas. We ended up making a dumbbell that is attached to the pedal and string, and when you push the pedal, a rachet (a spinning mechanism) attached to the string spins, and the string gets shorter, making you work harder in order to lift the weight. This way, you have more resistance and a personalized workout. 

You can have our dumbbell at home, and at the gym. Anywhere you want to work out, you can have it. It also has a small button you can click; letting you keep track of how much you pressed, and giving you a unique sensory experience - letting you feel the button and hear the click as an accomplishment each time you lift the dumbbell. 

However, our devices' main purpose is to let anyone - even the elderly - have personalized workout routines to help them get healthier and feel better about themselves. Exercising can help your mental health, get you healthier, improve your brain health (memory and such) help manage weight (no one deserved to feel bad about their appearance), reduces the risk of diseases, strengthens bones and muscles, improves your ability to do everyday activities, and lots more. If our dumbbell can contribute to and help someone's mental and physical health, I would say our project is a success.

Humorous Bench

Bodhi Bragonier and Jasmine Horowitz

Humorous Bench

Bodhi Bragonier + Jasmine Horowitz

To generate the final project we put different words, such as emotions, interactions, and objects into a random script to put them together. The prompt that we got from this script was "The bench that feels humorous when you look at it". We interpreted this as a 'funny bench', which we took very seriously (pause for laughter). We then began brainstorming benches that are unexpected and unusual. Our hope was that these could be interpreted as interesting art or as a simple curiosity seen on the street. We hoped this would help uplift the spirits of busy city-goers with a simple chuckle.

The Resistance Weight

Victoria Haggins - Wright and Chloe Goodman


Chloe Goodman + Victoria Haggins

Our project is a dumbbell (or weight, if you prefer) that gives you a personalized, customizable workout that will make you feel accomplished no matter what your skill level. 

To start off, we were given a prompt; a dumbbell that makes you feel accomplished, so we went and brainstormed some different ideas. We ended up making a dumbbell that is attached to the pedal and string, and when you push the pedal, a rachet (a spinning mechanism) attached to the string spins, and the string gets shorter, making you work harder in order to lift the weight. This way, you have more resistance and a personalized workout. 

You can have our dumbbell at home, and at the gym. Anywhere you want to work out, you can have it. It also has a small button you can click; letting you keep track of how much you pressed, and giving you a unique sensory experience - letting you feel the button and hear the click as an accomplishment each time you lift the dumbbell. 

However, our devices' main purpose is to let anyone - even the elderly - have personalized workout routines to help them get healthier and feel better about themselves. Exercising can help your mental health, get you healthier, improve your brain health (memory and such) help manage weight (no one deserved to feel bad about their appearance), reduces the risk of diseases, strengthens bones and muscles, improves your ability to do everyday activities, and lots more. If our dumbbell can contribute to and help someone's mental and physical health, I would say our project is a success.


Ari Sinert and Ari Sinert


OF DESIGN - Backpfeifengesicht

Ari Sinert + Bean Armstrong

The Backpfeifengesicht was a project Bean Armstrong and I worked on during our making sense of design studio. The goal of this studio was the understand the fundamental principles of design by applying them to our own projects. 

Both Bean and I got two randomized sentences as a prompt to base our projects on. We were paired together as we both had similar prompts and worked well together.

Our final project for the studio, dubbed the Backpfeifengesicht (german) was a pillow that screams when you press it. Our intention was to teach little kids empathy through the fact that everyone feels pain.


Ari Sinert and Benny Armstrong


OF DESIGN - Backpfeifengesicht

Ari Sinert + Bean Armstrong

The Backpfeifengesicht was a project Bean Armstrong and I worked on during our making sense of design studio. The goal of this studio was the understand the fundamental principles of design by applying them to our own projects. 

Both Bean and I got two randomized sentences as a prompt to base our projects on. We were paired together as we both had similar prompts and worked well together.

Our final project for the studio, dubbed the Backpfeifengesicht (german) was a pillow that screams when you press it. Our intention was to teach little kids empathy through the fact that everyone feels pain.


Lloyd Graves and Wyatt Gold



Lloyd Graves IV + Wyatt

Warm and cozy, whats the first thing that comes to mind, for us its sitting by a fire sipping on some hot cocoa. To represent this feeling, we have decided to make a multipurpose hand and liquid warmer powered purely by fire! Our simple but effective design gives you that warm feeling of sitting by the fire and having the warm necter that is hot cocoa filling your body with a joy only winter time can provide.