Gen Z Ceramics


Mercy Schmidt and Benjamin Sanchez

By: Ben and Mercy

Session 2 | Gen Z Ceramics

May 13, 2022


Stickerification is a series of 3 ceramic pieces that are based off old artifacts but look like they are decorated with stickers, like a modern object would be.

Fire Mug

Teo Sadowski and Anara Magavi

Fire Mug

Anara and Teo

Session 2 | Gen Z Ceramics

May 13, 2022

Anara's Brief:

The Fire Mug is a satirical statement piece, designed to comment on the overcrowded, fast-paced schedules that many people have today. The set includes three mugs, as well as one base. There is one mug for coffee, based on the Ethiopian Jebena, one for tea, with thinner walls and a smaller handle, and one for hot chocolate that has thicker walls and an ergonomic shape. In addition to the three mugs, the set includes a firepit that all the cups can sit seamlessly on and a fire starting kit. 

The mug is for when the user wants to keep a drink warm, but they don't have access to a heating element. They can use it at work, while traveling, or at home. The concept is sold as a convenient coffee heating device, but in reality, using it is quite a time-intensive process. The user has to light the fire, keep it warm, and wait for the drink to heat up. The long process forces the user to take a break from their fast-paced schedules, and relax near a fire with a warm drink. 

Meme Chess

Lalita Bellach and Cole Krivak

Meme Chess

Cole Krivak & Lalita Bellach

Session 2 | Gen Z Ceramics

May 13, 2022

Meme Chess is a modernized chess set that displays different memes through ceramic chess pieces. The project is meant to embody the chaos of the current generation and the internet as a whole.

The Social Value

Ryan Ferguson and 2 OthersBen Litvak-Hinenzon
Jere Nierenberg

The Social Value

Jere & Ben

Session 2 | Gen Z Ceramics

May 13, 2022