Sustainable Seed Planting Shoe

By: Chloe Goodman


Chloe Goodman

Seed Dispensing Shoes is a shoe with rotating tillers on the bottom to shift dirt as you walk, and also releases seeds into the soil each time you take a step. Environmental concerns have been piling up these past decades, and more and more research shows the depth humans are hurting the environment. The problem is, even if someone truly wants to help, most don't know the steps to take in order to do so. This is where the idea of Seed Dispensing Shoes was born. A shoe that would allow you to help the environment by simply walking. The project was initially designed to help the environment, but also bring awareness to the problems stacking up, problems that most people are disregarding.

The Seed Dispensing Shoe also will help the health of yourself and others. Other than the fact that more trees would mean fresher air, being consciously aware of your good deep - planting seeds and helping the environment - would get the wearer to walk more. Anyone can benefit from The Seed Dispensing Shoes - a young girl playing in a field, a suburban mom picking up her kids from a playdate, a businessman heading to a meeting, and more. The shoe can come in all shapes and forms, the real magic lies in the design. The Seed Dispensing Shoes have large soles on the bottom that can fit a rotating tiller that can be turned on with a push of a button. And there is a pressure point that when pushed will release seeds.

Sustainable Seed Planting Shoe

By: Chloe Goodman


Chloe Goodman

Seed Dispensing Shoes is a shoe with rotating tillers on the bottom to shift dirt as you walk, and also releases seeds into the soil each time you take a step. Environmental concerns have been piling up these past decades, and more and more research shows the depth humans are hurting the environment. The problem is, even if someone truly wants to help, most don't know the steps to take in order to do so. This is where the idea of Seed Dispensing Shoes was born. A shoe that would allow you to help the environment by simply walking. The project was initially designed to help the environment, but also bring awareness to the problems stacking up, problems that most people are disregarding.

The Seed Dispensing Shoe also will help the health of yourself and others. Other than the fact that more trees would mean fresher air, being consciously aware of your good deep - planting seeds and helping the environment - would get the wearer to walk more. Anyone can benefit from The Seed Dispensing Shoes - a young girl playing in a field, a suburban mom picking up her kids from a playdate, a businessman heading to a meeting, and more. The shoe can come in all shapes and forms, the real magic lies in the design. The Seed Dispensing Shoes have large soles on the bottom that can fit a rotating tiller that can be turned on with a push of a button. And there is a pressure point that when pushed will release seeds.

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Studio Overview

Joselyn McDonald

Session 2: Jul 25-Aug 5, 2022

We are experiencing the ramifications of living in an industrialized age marked by short-term thinking. The impact of global climate change and air and water pollution has reached all corners of the Earth. News of climate change impact can be overwhelming, but according to the 2021 IPCC Climate Change Report, there is still time to get the planet back into a proper alignment! For that to happen, we all need to investigate our relationship to the environment and consider ways to make a difference. 

In this summer studio, students will design and develop wearable technology products that can create understanding, remediate, and find a balance between humans and our shared environment. Using innovative approaches, materials, and technologies, students will learn how to design wearable devices that will measure environmental health, protect humans (or animals) from ramifications from polluted environments, and/or create devices to improve the environment's health. After exploring myriad environmental challenges, students will isolate a problem they wish to address, then iteratively design wearable tech products from the ground up. Through this process, students will learn sketching techniques and prototyping processes, all while being exposed to the iterative design process. In the end, students will learn the design and engineering skills needed to bring their vision to reality!


Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:





3D Modeling

Sensors & Actuators

Trunk Prosthetic

Rosa Weinberg

Memory Maker Mask

Henry Hirshland

Created by: Emma Kaitz, Grady Newberg, Henry Hirshland, Monica Siegel

Reminder Wearable

Abigail Radey