Design for Distress

Breathing Bud

Mathew Paul and 2 OthersMercy Schmidt
Trevor McDonald

Breathing Bud

Mathew, Trevor, and Mercy

Breathing Bud is a tool for both parents and children to use during times of stress. It is designed to function as a helpful way to regulate your breathing. It is formed as a flower, representing the movement of inhaling and exhaling, just like a flower blooming. When you breathe in, the flower blooms, and when you breathe out, the flower closes in on its bud. This is a way to show the child how to facilitate self-regulation, along with being rewarded for showing personal growth within the child.

Care Bare

Sasha Hill and 2 OthersAmiyr Ahmad
Evan Johnston

Care Bare

Sasha, Evan, and Amiyr

The Care Bare is a large teddy bear designed to comfort young students that are prone to lots of stress and anxiety during school. This bear can be hugged but also can hug you back. The Care Bare is placed on the couch, welcoming students into school and a small reminder that it's always there if a student is feeling nervous. We wanted to design something for students our age, but it would be available for anyone experiencing stress.


Beckett Munson and Schuyler Johnson


Beckett, Schuyler, and Coffy



Sponsored by the Crime Uproot Ministry (C.U.M)



S.A.C.C is a re-imagined survival bag made for those displaced by natural disasters. S.A.C.C is designed to provide comfort and facilitate companionship. S.A.C.C is designed to create a space for the users to become calm and engage in relaxing communal activities. S.A.C.C creates a calm and comforting environment for the user to shelter in as they wait for disaster relief to arrive.


Trevor McDonald and Trevor McDonald
