To Confide or Not to Confide?

Hunter Stillwell and Rajveer Parekh


Hunter S. and Rajveer P.

communication electrify diagram.3dm

This project uses several bots and their interactions to represent the journey of someone who's secret has been shared and the feeling of void that can cause. Each bot uses an ultrasonic sensor and leds to represent the interactions in this story.

Mono GIF

Mariam Arida


Ibrahim Abdel-Dayem and Elio Dukach


Ibrahim and Elio

In this project, we explored the word memory (inspired by nostalgia).


For our design, we chose to depict this concept by creating a set of LEDs rotating on an axis to create rings. The rings represent the memories of different stages in life: yellow rings are early in life, blue rings are the end of life, and red rings are in between. As time goes on old memories start to fade while new memories light up.

Hardship over Water

Jack McSwain and Hide

Hardship over Aqua

Gordon Hide and Jack McSwain

This is a combination of the 2 concepts Hardship and Aqua into a moving form on the top we have a spiky structure/combination of structures that was inspired by Nuclear waste warning structures to represent hardship with its stark lines and unrelenting figure. On the bottom layer, we have a more smooth-flowing structure to represent aqua its smooth lines and flowing shapes.

The Hermit

Nick Thorn and 2 OthersSasha Hill
Bennie Marseille

The Hermit

Sasha, Nick, and Bennie

1 / 10

Our project was a visual representation of the three words Fear, Home, and Privacy. We did this by designing a mechanism that hides when it senses something close as if it is fearful of losing its privacy which makes it feel at home.


Mariam Arida and 2 OthersVerity Gould
Mercy Schmidt


Mariam Arida, Verity Gould, Mercy Schmidt, and viewers like you

This project was based off of the three words: continuing, loneliness, and addiction. We used these three words to create a tv, using the circles moving away from the mirror as the concept of loneliness to represent the feeling of being lonely even when people are around. The tv was used to show the addictiveness of the most common things, such as a household tv. Lastly, the rotating spirals acting as the antennas were used to show the continuousness of them.


Liam Brady

Potentiometers are variable resistors. Potentiometers have a knob that varies the output voltage (by varying the resistance as they are turned). The analog pins on the Arduino can measure this change.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);




Liam Brady

Servos are specialized motors that support precise control. Rather than spinning off to oblivion like a motor, servos let the designer specify exactly where they want the object to rotate to. Most common servos allow for 180º of rotation.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);




Liam Brady

Photoresistors are resistance-based sensors that react to how much light they are being hit by. The more light present, the smaller the resistance across the sensor. The Arduino is able to measure the changing resistance to determine how much light is in the room.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);
