Platform Updates
Summer 2022
Login straight into your user profile
This gives users quick access to their studios and projects.
New Tabs in User Profiles
Two tabs were added to the user profile:
Users can now make presentations that live outside studios. They can still share those presentations with other users using the share button inside the slide editor
Users can quickly manage their templates from their user profile page.
Global Search
Easily find items by searching for users, studios, and projects
New Assignment tab
- Add submission deadlines
- Statistics panel that shows when students submit their assignments
- Students see their responses on top
- The option to hide other responses from the response tab (do we actually have that? )
Same functionality, streamlined and reimagined
Interface Redesigned
Improved Color Picker
Note: the Eye Dropper only works in chrome.
Comment section
draw a line to the precise location of where you want the comment to be.
Alignment tools for single objects
Use alignment tools to place a single object to the far left, right, or center of the slide.
- Use coordinates to accurately place objects on the canvas
- Use width and height to accurately match objects.
Use the share tool within the slide editor to share the presentation with collaborators.