5.0 Mapping Adventure : Part 1


Keenan Gray

(1 hour 30 minutes)

Prompt : We will play Colossal Cave Adventure and create maps of the world based on our findings. 


Take 15 minutes to familiarize yourself with the game.  Read the game instructions, try things out, explore a bit.

    Discussion : 10 minutes 

    How do play the game?

    What have you observed so far?

Play the game for another 30 minutes. This time, be sure to write down notes as you go. 

You might find it helpful to start laying out a map during this play session. Consider these questions as you play.

    What does this world look like? 

    How are the rooms connected? Which rooms are connected to which other rooms. 

Time to draw the map! (45 minutes)

    Stop playing the game.

    Refine the map you created while you played before.

    In your new map include drawings and annotations that describe the rooms. 

    You might include specific objects or emotions that defined the play experience.

    The last consideration is the arrangement of the rooms. Because the system is complex and 3-Dimensional, how might you represent it on a 2D plane (your piece of paper). 

    Perhaps you will have the start of the map be in the center of the page, or in the top-right corner.