High Tide

Anara Magavi and Kody White


Anara Magavi & Zoe White


High Tide is a short animated trailer that follows two characters who are struggling living on their small, flooded island  and have to go to find new land to bring their families to. These characters exist in drastically different social classes, and have to deal with that along with the loss of their land. 

The world's environments were made using Blender, Unreal Engine, and some free assets found online. The characters were animated using iPads and Apple pencils, and were frame by frame. This trailer was created to show others about how the world might change when the tides do. There are a few main shots in the trailer- the market scene, the traveling scene, and the water scene. The market scene takes place at the beginning of the trailer, while the first character is helping his mother at their family stall. His friend approaches him and they go traveling. During these scenes, the sun is fully set and starts to rise, along with the water. When the characters find this new island, they climb up it and go to sleep. While they are asleep, the water rises and one of them falls in and is unable to swim. The trailer ends here- viewers are left wondering who was drowning, and what was happening. 

Anara's Brief:

High Tide is a short trailer that takes place in a future where the moon has moved closer to Earth, causing the tides to be more extreme. The high tides force humanity to move to the highest peaks of mountains to stay safe. The film tells a story about two adventurous kids who want to help find new land for the overcrowded population, and touches on issues like class, overpopulation and economic status.  shows how the event impacts the earth and society.

The trailer follows two friends on their mission to find new land. One is of lower class and has experienced the devastation and destruction the tides cause firsthand. While the other lives at the top of the mountain away from the water, oblivious to the hardships of the lower class. The sets are built with Unreal engine and Blender and use free assets from quixel bridge. Scenes from the sets are brought into DaVinci to be edited, and Procreate animations are overlain.