Beyond Space

Personal Propulsion Device

River Doyle and 2 OthersZach Shea
Max Rosenbaum

Personal Propulsion Device

By River, Max, and Zach

By, Zach, River, and Max. R

A large problem that emerges from being in a zero gravity environment is that once you push off a surface, you no longer have control over your angular momentum. The impact of this issue on our space station is that it creates unnecessary danger for its inhabitants. This lack of safety causes even simple tasks to be harmful, as our space station is a modular network that is continually in motion, so traveling through the network becomes increasingly difficult. However, this issue will no longer be at the forefront of our minds, now that people have access to the P.P.D. (Personal Propulsion Device). This device will use compressed air from the stations atmosphere in order to allow the user control over their movement, removing the worry of collision in the space station.

Ring Market

Finn Mayeux and 2 OthersElijah Rhyne
Asahel Putnam

By Asahel, Elijah and Finn

Ring Market

Ring Market is a farmer's market floating through space that traders and tourists visit to shop and see entertainment. Ring Market allows for a simple solution to the long descent down onto a planet's surface.


The market consists of two rings spinning opposite each other to create centrifugal force and simulate gravity where the market stalls would be. In addition, the market also has a landing dock leading to the entrance/exit of the market. The gravity simulated would be very similar to that of earth removing the health concerns of gravity in space.

Scroll Through Space

Beckett Munson and 2 OthersMax Berbeco
Coffy lessig

Scroll Through Space

Beckett, Coffy and Max

Scroll Through Space is a convenient, accessible way to enjoy and experience reading without carrying around a paper book. This amazing new way to read will expand the options for where people take a book and how people read. Scroll Through Space takes a traditional e-reader and makes it more compact through a rolling screen. This creates a way to easily carry around a few hundred books in the users back pocket. The e-reader extends from a scroll device and when the user is done using it, it rolls back up automatically. This makes a easily accessible yet compact device. In addition to portability, tools such as haptic feedback, gifs, smell dispensers and changing temperatures were utilized to create a more exciting and immersive reading experience.


Rayanne Attar and 2 OthersRuby Wilson
Wesley Halliwell


By Ruby, Rayanne and Wes

Rhino Commands.pdf