
Teo Sadowski and Schuyler Johnson

This project, the Puzzle Car, is hands-on learning for young children. Separate parts of a car are hidden in boxes, all of which have interactive puzzles in them. In order to unlock the boxes, the recipient needs to solve the different puzzles. The puzzles will help the recipient learn about the different functions of a car. Once the boxes are opened, the toy car can be assembled. 

Here are a few examples of the boxes. One of the boxes has a steering wheel on it, and when it is turned, the box opens. Another one of the boxes has a manual transmission. When the shift is moved, the box opens. The last example of a box has a wheel on it, and when it is turned to an exact degree, it can be pushed into the box. The user them pulls the wheel out, and the box opens. All of the boxes are the same size, and relatively the same shape. The fact that the boxes are interactive helps kids understand the physical parts of cars and their importance.