Innovation Studio I [Master]

Navigating the Design Process

Andrew Todd Marcus


Saeed Arida

8 Things to know

Amro Arida

NuVu Photo Booth

Andrew Todd Marcus

Navigating the Design Process

Andrew Todd Marcus


Curt Lewellyn

Using Gravit Designer, design your own personal logo. Browse the images above to view some of the keys to good graphic design. (Hint: Less is More!) Keep it simple. To complete this challenge you need to post to the "response" the concept or symbolism behind your design. Your response should include a PNG file for the vinyl cutter.

Gravit Designer Tutorials

Curt Lewellyn

Click the link below to explore the Gravit Designer tutorial library:

Lego Challenge

Curt Lewellyn

Using TinkerCad, your challenge is to create two lego bricks to the specifications described in the image above. Instead of "carving" the word "Lego" into the studs on each brick, you should "carve" your own initials (to make the custom-designs.)

To complete this challenge you must create a post under the "Response" tab which describes what you learned. You should attach your STL file to the post and include a screenshot from TinkerCad.

TinkerCad Tutorials

Curt Lewellyn

Click the link below to browse the TinkerCad tutorial library: